Friday, February 27, 2009

Only in dreams

dream [dreem] n.
1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
3. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
4. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.
5. a wild or vain fancy.
6. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.

Taurus: Pay close attention to a daydream you keep having. It just might have the key to making your goals a reality.

I dream. I love to dream. I wish I could write down every dream I have ever had. The sad thing is, I don't often remember my dreams. One dream I do remember recently is pretty scary. I was at home and all of a sudden, my teeth started to become loose and fall out this way and that. Before I knew it, I was missing almost all of my teeth. First of all, I can't imagine life without teeth. Secondly, I can't imagine my mouth without teeth. Thirdly, I love my teeth and I never want to lose them!

I have always been interested in the interpretation of dreams, so I got online and immediately googled a dream dictionary. When I typed "teeth" into the search bar on the dictionary website, I got an array of hits. I scrolled down the list until I found what I was looking for, "loose teeth". Apparently when one dreams about losing teeth, the dream signifies some type of failure or bad news. Boy was that true. I can't believe how accurate a dream about teeth could be when compared to my life while I am awake.

Right now I am on a kick where I want to try to write down the dreams I have every morning and then see what they mean. I am really just wondering if all of them are so incredibly accurate.


Unknown said...

I have recurring dreams about my teeth crumbling, turning colors, or falling out. Either I'm destined to fail on a frequent basis, or... it's more likely caused by pain in my mouth because I grind my teeth in my sleep. :P

Don't mean to debunk your theory, I'm just sayin'! I was embarrassed because I have so many dreams about toilets and bathrooms, but was told that it's probably just a biological cue that I need to go to the bathroom during the night... Or maybe I am toilet-brained, I don't know. Could be that.

wingfieldnl said...

I always think its interesting when some external cue influences your dream. I used to set my alarm clock to play music but had to stop because I would sleep through it and have dreams about music, like being at a concert or something. Sometimes if I'm hungry in the morning I will have dreams about beating large delicious meals. My friends make fun of me because I always have this urge to tell everyone about my dreams all the time...I just think dreams are really interesting.

Anonymous said...

I have dreams about losing my teeth, too. One person told me it was because I chewed on ice and another told me it was sexual aggravation. Strange I know.

These dreams are more like nightmares to me for all the same reasons as you. Losing my teeth in real life is my absolute worst fear and having it reoccur in my dreams constantly gives me the chills. The dreams are so realistic that I will wake up and run to the bathroom and make sure that they are all still in place. Most of the time this dream happens when my parents remind me to wear my retainer and I don't and it's like a psychological punishment.

emma said...

i never knew that this was so common. i have bad dreams about my teeth all the time. in fact, they are almost the only recurring dreams that i have. it is weird though because i almost never think about my teeth when i'm awake but i dream about them crumbling, cracking, falling out, etc. when i'm asleep so often. i wish i knew what this was all about in my brain.