Monday, February 23, 2009

Lucian Freud: Marathon Man

If you go to Google, you can search anything from "new painters" to "modern influential artists" and you will find an array of names that you have probably never heard of, even those of us in the artistic community. There are few artists today that spark recognition in the viewer. Fine artists and art lovers the same, can attest to the fact that one name has been very influential for the past few decades. Lucian Freud.

Lucian Freud is one of the most influential, innovative painters of our time. He paints absolutely gorgeous portraits using thick, creamy brush strokes that, oddly enough, make the figures appear to be living. If you look at a Freud, you are looking at what looks like a breathing figure, his work is alive. The key to his work is his dedication. He works endlessly on a single painting for months, even years.

The idea of spending months on one painting is quite ridiculous to me because, as a student, I do not have to ability to work so meticulously. For example, I am in a figure drawing class right now and each class we begin a new drawing and once class is over, we never revisit it. Apparently, the skill of being able to paint quickly will help me to become a better painter. Even if there is a possibility of a good learning experience, it is no less frustrating. I have a hard time painting on small surfaces and an even harder time completing a whole 16"x20" painting in one and a half hours. To me, this is not something that I need to know how to do because I never paint on such small surfaces and I never can only give 2 hours to a whole painting. Unfortunately, I am not Lucian Freud and my painting do not sell for millions of dollars and I do not have the choice of whether or not I will complete the assignments I am given.

Apparently some people find Freud's work hard to look at, but some, like me, find it a joy to behold.

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