Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Butterflies and Beetles

Now that's something you can sink your teeth into...

AnnaTheRed's bento factory is really fabulous website that features bento creations by AnnaTheRed. A lot of her bentos are kyaraben or charaben, or character bentos. Most of the scenes and characters come from parts of Japanese culture, primarily anime. In case you don't know and are wondering, bento is Japanese for lunchbox. All of her boxes are completely edible which means SHE MAKES EVERYTHING OUT OF FOOD. I don't know about anyone else, but I find it incredibly fascinating that someone has the time and patience to carve these intricate shapes out of food and combine them to create edible works of art.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Shameless Self-Plug (!)

Since this blog was originally for my work, I've decided to make a completely irrelevant post with some of the things I've done.

These were created for a project where two separate posters were designed using three common elements and logos provided for us. The common elements are the female character, the flower, and the heart.

These were designed for a stamp design project. The premise is that America is called the melting pot because of all of the different cultural backgrounds present. The stamps would come in sets of four with different cultural foods. These need some tweaking to become more "American" though.

These are some solutions to a fun expressive typography exercise!

These are some of my favorite pieces from my 30 Days of Drawing.

I'll probably add more things in another post in the future. I definitely need to get some of my more recent sketchbook work up too. It's just nice to put up a few pieces from this first year of CA.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Style

Piet Mondrian is easily one of my favorite artists of all time. Most well known for being an irreplaceable contributor to De Stijl and founder of New-Plasticism, Mondrian constructed planes that utilized a grid system of horizontal and vertical black lines. These lines created enclosures which were then filled with one of the three primary colors or black.

If there is one thing to know about me as an artist, it is that I really like design that is comprised of clean lines and graphic elements. I often times prefer to use digital media than traditional media such as charcoal, or graphite in my own work. What I like specifically about Mondrian is his organization. Through the use of a grid, he achieves extreme order and harmony between shapes and line. The restricted use of minimal elements is proof of the Neo-Plasticist view of the world where art should not be the reproduction of real objects, but the expression of the absolutes of life. In this way, the absolutes of life always manifested as the horizontal and vertical lines as well as the primary colors.

On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, I also really love illustrative design. Illustration is something that usually tends to be free form and organic, not usually clean, but often times graphic. One of my favorite illustrators is James Jean.

Compared to the usual uncluttered compositions I am attracted to, Jean's work is noisy, busy, and fabulous. The spontaneity of his sketchbooks amuse and awe me because I know it would be incredibly hard for me to do something like this. I am a one sketch per page kind of girl and if it's not one sketch per page, the multiple sketches are very specifically mapped out in a grid-like fashion. As a student of illustration, I would do well to take a lesson from James Jean.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pharaoh's Serpent

The Pharaoh's Serpent is the name for mercuric sulphocyanate, a combustible white substance that, when burned, gives off a poisonous vapor and leaves a brown, voluminous residue that transforms into a serpentine form. Essentially, it's a scientific plaything...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fashion Victim

fash·ion (fshn)
1. The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior: out of fashion.
2. Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode: a swimsuit that is the latest fashion.
3. The style characteristic of the social elite: a man of fashion.
4. a. Manner or mode; way: Set the table in this fashion.
b. A personal, often idiosyncratic manner: played the violin in his own curious fashion.
5. Kind or variety; sort: people of all fashions.
6. Shape or form; configuration.

It's funny to look at the definitions of fashion because when I hear the word fashion, I usually just think about clothing. A friend of mine recently sent me an article about some killer fashions and I do mean killer. 6 Popular Fashion Trends (That Killed People) is an article that discusses, well, 6 fashion trends that were fatal to those who wore and used them. Listed below are the fashions discussed and a short explanation of each:

6. The crinoline is a stiffened petticoat or rigid skirt-shaped structure of steel designed to support the skirts of a w
oman’s dress into the required shape.

5. A corset is a garment worn to mold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or medical purposes.

4. Foot binging refers to the restructuring of the feet by the breaking of the arch and four smaller toes on each foot for the purpose of achieving small feet for females.

3. The Fontange started out as a ribbon in the hair, but it soon became larger and larger and ended up as a complex hairstyle that was hard to create and difficult to wear.

2. Lead Makeup is literally make up made with lead.

1. The high stiff collar, which is a high detachable collar that was especially popular in the 19th century which was always white and was fastened to the a shirt with studs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's alive!

Non-newtonian fluids are really awesome. They are essentially fluids whose flow properties are not described by a single constant value of viscosity. This "creeping oobleck" is made out of a simple combination of starch and water. What is really cool about this substance is that if you add force, it acts like a solid rather than a liquid, thus a person moving quickly and applying sufficient force with their feet can literally walk across this "liquid"!